List of the Most Popular Weight Loss Diets

 You used to spend hours and hours looking for diets, deciding which one to choose, which one would be the fastest way to the New and Rejuvenated You.

The good news is that you wont have this problem anymore. Here, you will be able to assess all ten, the most popular diets, which will not only help you to Slim Fast and speed up your metabolism but also to  make you a much healthier person.

There are ten of the most popular diets, summarised by the NHS, which are proven to work their “magic” on our health and appearance. They are the following:
Dukan diet
Atkins diet
Cambridge diet
South Beach diet
Slimming World diet
Slim-Fast diet
LighterLife diet
WeightWatchers diet
Rosemary Conley diet
Jenny Craig diet

Dukan diet

The Dukan diet is a low-carbohydrate (carb), high-protein diet. There’s no limit to how much you can eat during the plan’s four phases, providing you stick to the rules of the plan.

Atkins diet

The Atkins diet is a low-carb, high-protein weight loss programme. You start with a low-carb diet designed for rapid weight loss. This lasts at least two weeks depending on your weight loss goal. During this phase, you’re on a protein, fat and very low-carb diet, including meat, seafood, eggs, cheese, some veg, butter and oils.

Cambridge diet

The Cambridge Weight Plans are based around buying and eating a range of meal-replacement products with the promise of rapid weight loss. There are six flexible diet plans ranging from 415kcal to 1,500kcal or more a day, depending on your weight loss goal. There is also a long-term weight management programme.

South Beach Diet

The South Beach Diet is a low-GI diet originally developed for heart patients in the US. There’s no calorie counting and no limits on portions. You're encouraged to eat three meals and two snacks a day and follow an exercise plan. People who have more than 10lb to lose start with phase one. This is a two-week quick weight loss regime where you eat lean protein, including meat, fish and poultry, as well as some low-GI vegetables and unsaturated fats. Low-GI carbs are re-introduced during phases two and three, which encourage gradual and sustainable weight loss.

Slimming World diet

Slimming World’s weight loss plan encourages you to swap high-fat foods for low-fat foods that are naturally filling. You choose your food from a list of low-fat foods they call 'Free Foods', such as fruit, vegetables, pasta, potatoes, rice, lean meat, fish and eggs, which you can eat in unlimited amounts. There’s no calorie counting, no foods are banned and you’re still allowed the occasional treat. You can get support from fellow slimmers at weekly group meetings and follow an exercise plan to become gradually more active. The plan is designed to help you lose about 1lb to 2lb a week.

Slim-Fast diet

The Slim-Fast diet is a low-calorie meal replacement plan for people with a BMI of 25 and over. It uses Slim-Fast’s range of products. The plan recommends three snacks a day from an extensive list, including crisps and chocolate, two meal replacement shakes or bars and one regular meal, taken from a list of recipes on the Slim-Fast website. You can stay on the diet for as long as you want depending on your weight loss goal.

LighterLife diet

The LighterLife weight loss plans combine a very low-calorie meal-replacement diet with weekly counselling. With LighterLife Total, for people with a BMI of 30 or more, you eat four 'food packs' a day, consisting of shakes, soups, mousses or bars, and no conventional food.

WeightWatchers diet

The WeightWatchers plan is based on the ProPoints system, which gives a value to foods and drink based on protein, carbs, fat and fibre content. It is essentially a calorie-controlled diet where you get a personal daily ProPoints allowance, which you can use how you like. There’s no limit on the amount of fruit and most veg you can eat. You also get a weekly ProPoints safety net in case you go over your allowance, and an individual exercise plan.

Rosemary Conley diet

Rosemary Conley’s Diet and Fitness plans combine a low-fat, low-GI diet with regular exercise. You can follow her recipes or buy from her range of calorie-controlled ready meals and snacks. You’re encouraged to eat food with 5% or less fat, with the exception of oily fish, porridge oats and lean meat.

Jenny Craig diet

The Jenny Craig programme has three main features: one-to-one support, a meal delivery service and tailored exercise plans. The weekly, personalised telephone consultations provide advice, motivation and support. The diet adviser assesses your reasons for gaining weight and, over the course of the programme, helps you to change your behaviour.

Read more about each of the above mentionned diets here:




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