Stay slim after dieting!

Sometimes it happens that after you have spent weeks or months trying to lose weight and finally succeed, you gain it all back quite quickly.

When it happens you, eventually, ask yourself a question why your kilograms and stones return?

Well, there are scientific explanations for this.

When you are on a diet, your body gets signals that it is not getting the usual amount of food (calories) and thinks that you are trying to survive. It slows down your metabolism and instead of burning off your fat, it starts to store it, to accumulate as much as possible. And as your body has already switched to fat saving mode, when you go back to your normal diet, you keep piling on more weight, as you have already trained your body to store fat when you were dieting.

This was always the case. This ability of our bodies to react to the extreme conditions of hunger during years of famine, for example, developed the possibility to adopt and eventually, survive.
Low calorie diets slow down your metabolism, change its pattern and which, in turn, gives your body a “roller coaster” effect, making its weight go up and down, and, eventually, you end up gaining even more weight than you had before the diet.

Nowadays research is concentrated on finding other ways of helping your body to shake off calories by using natural fat-burning and appetite suppressing qualities. Such qualities were found in the four teas made from the Camellia Sinensis plant.

Scientific studies dedicated to find “remedies” to fight the widely spread epidemic of obesity have confirmed, that unique catechins only exist in Green, White, Pu-erh and Oolong teas or sometimes it's called Wu-Long Tea

These catechins help to shake off pounds much quicker, safer and the most important – permanently.
Green teas in a natural way speed up metabolism and increase fat-burning (thermogenic) capability. You don’t have to change your normal diet.

These green teas have not only fat fighting benefits, their high level of catechins in both fermented and unfermented teas change the relationship between our bodies and fats.

Let’s have a look at some additional benefits of each of these four obesity blocking teas:

- Oolong tea (or Wu-Long ) is a natural appetite suppressant.

- Puer Tea – is a natural dehydrator, drains excess fatty fluids.

- White tea breaks down existing storage of fat and restricts the formation of new fat cells!

 Here are some facts: people of China consuming the mentioned above teas are living proof of their natural slimming qualities. People from tea producing regions tend to have low cholesterol levels and don’t suffer from obesity. All those factors drew attention of scientists on their quest to identify the active anti-fat properties in the local teas.

If you want to speed up your weight loss, then you should go for a synergetic blend of these four weight-blocking teas. The Synergy Effect is a scientifically recognised process allowing the FOUR TEAS
to interact with each other to provide you with effective anti-fat action that will ensure you maintain a healthy weight for the rest of your life.
 By Nadine Mano
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Do you need a Diet for your Heart?

As we all know our heart is one of the most important organs in our organism and if neglected, in time, it can develop a life style disease. It can be caused by well known factors such as consuming too much alcohol, smoking, lack of exercises and lots of junk, unhealthy foods.

In the early days, when official medicine did not have much research into this problem we did not know much about all those obvious causes of an unhealthy heart. Nowadays, there is no excuse for not looking after it, especially, if you are over 40 years old and have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, high cholesterol or even have already developed a heart disease.

There are plenty of solutions provided by traditional, natural and holistic medicine, which come up with a variety of treatments and ways of improving the health of your heart.

It is also important to know if you have this problem embedded within your genetic makeup and family history. Before deciding on the best options to treat your heart, visit your family doctor, your GP. Doctors can assess your heart condition and predict its further development. They can also come up with ideas to keep your heart healthy to prevent cardiovascular disease. They can also prescribe you a heart diet.

Nutritionists, dieticians and specialists are all those referral sources that medical doctors use to prevent heart diseases.

Change your diet if you want to prevent Heart disease!

The most obvious ingredients to exclude or minimise in your daily intake should be foods containing high levels of sugar, carbohydrates, fried and processed foods as they are well known contributors to high cholesterol, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis and heart disease.

Many nutritional supplements offer cardiovascular benefits. The cardiovascular system is central to our health and is lined with endothelial cells. The capacity of these cells to properly produce nitric oxide, the most important molecule of the cardiovascular system, is crucial to our health.

Perhaps, L-Arginine Complete 5000mg of L-Arginine & 1000mg of L-Citrulline, The Nitric Oxide Cardio Health Supplement for Men and Women - 3 Month Supply is exactly what you were looking for! Stay Healthy!

By Nadine Mano
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