
Hello and welcome to my blogger-website.

My name is Nadine and I write blogs on health related topics. Apart form my personal interest in slimming and staying slim, I want to do my best to provide my readers with solutions of how to stay slim and  healthy.

On this site I am posting my own blogs but also some blogs from other writers, who are writing about Health issues too. You can also find links to  their websites and to products related to my health topics.

If you are a reader who is keen on joining me on my quest for Elixir of Youth and Health, then please leave a comment and suggest your topics for me to write about. I will be more than happy to research for you.

Also, please subscribe to my Newsletter and enjoy updates on related to Healthy Living news.

On this site you will find specially selected New products to help you to stay healthy. Please visit my Pages on HEALTHY TEAS and  NUTRITION, or click on Banners to find the right training program to shake off your extra weight.

Please also visit my Healthy Mall and my Health Boutique for more Health related solutions.

If you are looking for information related to Gaining weight, please visit my GAIN WEIGHT page or ask me to research more specifically on this topic.

If you have problems with Alcohol, then please visit my page HANGOVER.

If you are a representative of a company who is looking for health and beauty related websites for MARKETING purposes, then don't hesitate contacting me. You can display  BANNERS with your Products linked back to your website as well as publish blogs about your products here. This service is not free of charge. Please contact me to negociate the financial arrangements.  

This website has been running since 2012 and has a HEALTHY TRAFFIC of readers. 

So, Get in Touch TODAY!

If you are my colleague, a person who is also writing about Healthy living issues then please contact me and be my guest on my website. Share your ideas and submit your blogs to be published here. It will give me great pleasure to present you on my website.

You are welcome to copy my blogs and publish them on your website with the condition of putting an active link as a  source where it came from - back to my website.

If you have any questions please email : youthandhealthnp8@gmail.com. I will be back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you and look forward to hearing from you !

Enjoy my website and Stay HEALTHY!

Nadine  Mano
(nom de plume)